
First dates can be really stressful especially when you’re the one planning it. You’d want to make it as simple as the conventional “dinner and a movie” setting but this is often considered a bad first date idea. You may feel uncomfortable sitting in front of your date while eating because you’ll be conscious with […]

Getting girls to feel an attraction for you – that isn’t simply based on your looks, the contents of your wallet or the car you’ve got parked outside – can be really tricky. After all, how are men supposed to know what each girl’s looking for without asking? If you DID ask, you know your […]

This gentleman is now involved in a permanent relationship with somebody he loves very much. She is gorgeous and probably the smartest female he has ever met. But, before he met his mate he of course dated like everybody else; and he estimates that he probably dated, in some form or other, 100’s of women. […]


A woman can love basically in two ways: – Adult Love – Nurturing Love Nurturing love is an instinct. As such it is stronger than her will. In a word: women are hardwired to nurture. This instinct is meant to have children grow up safely. Nature is sometimes a bitch. Instincts are very primitive brain […]

The time after the first date can be a very emotional experience. The excitement of what to do next can be racing through someone’s mind. These emotions are magnified even further if the date was a success. This however is a time to slow down and play it cool. The last thing anyone wants to […]

Everyone feels a mixture of excitement and nervousness when they consider going on a first date. There are perhaps few times that people desire to make an impression as much as they do on a first date. While there is no way to remove all of the fears that go with first dates, there are […]

With what you’ve learned with me so far, you WILL be able to get numbers from women. Lots of them. Now I’m not saying you’ll get the info for every lady that turns your head – plenty of women will be unavailable for various reasons. Some have boyfriends, some are taking a break, some are […]

One of the biggest mistakes men make in their relationships with women is projecting into them their male thinking. One of the masculine features they usually project into women is fairness. When this mistake comes back to byte their asses they do not understand what happened, they cannot understand why their girls come back to […]


Looking to get to know your valentine date better? Running out of things to talk to your sweetie about? First date jitters and don’t know what to talk about? Well, here are 100 questions that can break the ice and get a conversation going. The most important thing is to have fun! You might be […]

One of the things that works to keep relationships alive is spending quality time with each other. In this day of the information age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to carve out the necessary time to nurture our relationships. What with long work hours, helping kids with their homework, transporting them around to their extracurricular […]